If you need to get all pages (.aspx) within a site collection, I have created a small script. The script enumerates through a site collection (sub-sites included) and retrieves all .aspx pages.
Before executing the script there are some requirements:
- You need to be administrator on the site collection.
- Install the PnP PowerShell module for SharePoint (the script was tested with SharePoint Online).
There are 3 variables you need to modify on line 32 (site collection URL), 33 (SharePoint root URL), 34 (username) and 35 (password).
The script will generate a report (when finished) on the desktop of the user running the script containing the URL, author and last modified date of the page.
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#requires -version 3 <# .SYNOPSIS . .DESCRIPTION . .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Alex Ø. T. Hansen (ath@tofte-it.dk) Creation Date: 03-12-2018 Purpose/Change: Initial script development #> #region begin boostrap ############### Bootstrap - Start ############### #Clear the screen. Clear-Host; #Import module. Import-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline; ############### Bootstrap - End ############### #endregion #region begin input ############### Input - Start ############### #SharePoint Online. $SPOServiceUrl = "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/somesite"; $SPOServiceRootUrl = "https://contoso.sharepoint.com"; $SPOServiceUsername = "myuser@contoso.com"; $SPOServicePassword = "<Password goes here>"; #Files. $Files = @{ "Report" = "C:\Users\$($env:USERNAME)\Desktop\Pages.csv"; }; ############### Input - End ############### #endregion #region begin functions ############### Functions - Start ############### #Creates a PS credential object. Function Create-PSCredential { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Please provide a valid username, example 'Domain\Username'.")]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Please provide a valid password, example 'MyPassw0rd!'.")]$Password ) #Convert the password to a secure string. $SecurePassword = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force; #Convert $Username and $SecurePassword to a credential object. $Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Username,$SecurePassword; #Return the credential object. Return $Credential; } #Get all .ASPX pages. Function Get-SPSitePages { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$Session, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$RootURL, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateSet("Yes","No")]$Subsite ) #Object array. $Pages = @(); #Get all lists. $Lists = Get-PnPList -Connection $Session; #Foreach lists. Foreach($List in $Lists) { #Get all list items. $ListItems = Get-PnPListItem -Connection $Session -List $List.Title; #If there is any list items. If($ListItems) { #Foreach list item. Foreach($ListItem in $ListItems) { #If the site is a .ASPX site. If($ListItem.FieldValues.File_x0020_Type -eq "aspx") { #Create new object. $Page = New-Object -TypeName PSObject; #Add data to the object. Add-Member -InputObject $Page -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Url -Value ($RootURL + $ListItem.FieldValues.FileRef); Add-Member -InputObject $Page -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Author -Value ($ListItem.FieldValues.Author.LookupValue); Add-Member -InputObject $Page -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastModified -Value (($ListItem.FieldValues.Modified).ToString()); Add-Member -InputObject $Page -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Subsite -Value ($Subsite); #Add object to array. $Pages += $Page; } } } } #Return pages. Return $Pages; } #Write to the console. Function Write-Console { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Category, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Text ) #If the input is empty. If([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Text)) { $Text = " "; } #If category is not present. If([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Category)) { #Write to the console. Write-Output("[" + (Get-Date).ToString("dd/MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "]: " + $Text + "."); } Else { #Write to the console. Write-Output("[" + (Get-Date).ToString("dd/MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "][" + $Category + "]: " + $Text + "."); } } ############### Functions - End ############### #endregion #region begin main ############### Main - Start ############### #Connect to the SharePoint environment. Write-Console -Text ("Connecting to the SharePoint site '" + $SPOServiceUrl + "'"); $PNPSession = Connect-PNPOnline -Url $SPOServiceUrl -Credentials (Create-PSCredential -Username $SPOServiceUsername -Password $SPOServicePassword) -ReturnConnection; #Object array. $Pages = @(); #Get all pages. Write-Console -Text ("Getting pages (.aspx) from '" + $SPOServiceUrl + "', please wait"); $Pages += Get-SPSitePages -Session $PNPSession -Subsite No -RootURL $RootURL; #Get all subsites. $Subsites = Get-PnPSubWebs -Recurse -Connection $PNPSession; #Foreach subsite. Foreach($Subsite in $Subsites) { #Connect to the SharePoint subsite. Write-Console -Text ("Connecting to the SharePoint subsite '" + $RootURL + $Subsite.ServerRelativeUrl + "'"); $PNPSessionSubsite = Connect-PNPOnline -Url ($RootURL + $Subsite.ServerRelativeUrl) -Credentials (Create-PSCredential -Username $SPOServiceUsername -Password $SPOServicePassword) -ReturnConnection; #Get all pages. Write-Console -Text ("Getting pages (.aspx) from '" + ($RootURL + $Subsite.ServerRelativeUrl) + "', please wait"); $Pages += Get-SPSitePages -Session $PNPSessionSubsite -Subsite Yes -RootURL $RootURL; } #Export to the .CSV file. $Pages | Export-Csv -Path $Files.Report -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation; ############### Main - End ############### #endregion #region begin finalize ############### Finalize - Start ############### #Disconnect the PowerShell session. Disconnect-PnPOnline -Connection $PNPSession; Disconnect-PnPOnline -Connection $PNPSessionSubsite; ############### Finalize - End ############### #endregion |
Please suggest if this script work in sharepoint on premises. I want to collect the same this.
If yes, what command i need to change or add.
Please reply and suggest
Not sure. I think it may need some adjustment