Exam AZ-102: Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification Transition

Microsoft Certification

Recently passed the 70-533 exam and earned a MCSE. Now I’m studying for the transition exam AZ-102 (expiring March 31, 2019), which would give me the Azure Administrator Associate badge. In this post I will give a short description on which methods I used to pass AZ-102.

The resources I used were:

The exam is broken into 8 sections:

    1. Manage Azure Subscriptions and Resources (5-10%)
      • May include but not limited to: Configure diagnostic settings on resources; create baseline for resources; create and rest alerts; analyze alerts across subscription; analyze metrics across subscription; create action groups; monitor for unused resources; monitor spend; report on spend; utilize Log Search query functions; view alerts in Log Analytics
    2. Implement and Manage Storage (5-10%)
      • May include but not limited to: Create Azure file share; create Azure File Sync service; create Azure sync group; troubleshoot Azure File Sync
    3. Configure and manage virtual networks (15-20%)
      • May include but not limited to: Create and configure VNET peering; create and configure VNET to VNET; verify virtual network connectivity; create virtual network gateway
      • May include but not limited to: Configure Azure DNS; configure custom DNS settings; configure DNS zones
    4. Manage identities (15-20%)
      • May include but not limited to: Add custom domains; configure Azure AD Identity Protection, Azure AD Join, and Enterprise State Roaming; configure self-service password reset; implement conditional access policies; manage multiple directories; perform an access review
      • May include but not limited to: Install and configure Azure AD Connect; configure federation and single sign-on; manage Azure AD Connect; manage password sync and writeback
    5. Evaluate and perform server migration to Azure (15-20%)
      • May include but not limited to: Discover and assess environment; identify workloads that can and cannot be deployed; identify ports to open; identify changes to network; identify if target environment is supported; setup domain accounts and credentials
      • May include but not limited to: Migrate by using Azure Site Recovery (ASR); migrate using P2V; configure storage; create a backup vault; prepare source and target environments; backup and restore data; deploy Azure Site Recovery (ASR) agent; prepare virtual network
    6. Implement and manage application services (5-10%)
      • May include but not limited to: Create and manage objects; manage a Logic App resource; manage Azure Function app settings; manage Event Grid; manage Service Bus
    7. Implement advanced virtual networking (5-10%)
      • May include but not limited to: Monitor on-premises connectivity; use network resource monitoring and Network Watcher; manage external networking and virtual network connectivity
    8. Secure identities (5-10%)
      • May include but not limited to: Enable MFA for an Azure tenant; configure user accounts for MFA; configure fraud alerts; configure bypass options; configure trusted IPs; configure verification methods; manage role-based access control (RBAC); implement RBAC policies; assign RBAC Roles; create a custom role; configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles; configure management access to Azure

If you can answer (and know the reason behind the answer) the following questions regarding Azure, you should be ready to take the AZ-102 exam. For each question I will provide a link to the answer. There might be more than one correct answer to a question, but the questions link points to which tool or technology you should know about in order to pass.

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PowerShell – Set the account profile picture from Azure AD

If you ever need to set the local Windows user account profile pictures from Azure AD, you can use the following script.

The script leverages the Graph API through a service principal (app) in Azure AD. There is some requirements before running the script:

You can run the script “manually” or deploy it with Azure Intune. You can run the script under your own or with the “nt authority\system” account. Just be sure that the account have access to write to the following registry path “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AccountPicture\Users” and it child objects.

The only thing you need to change in the script is three variables (line 43, 44 and 45) for the Azure AD app information.

Here is a basic walk through of what the script actually does:

  1. Create folder structure in “C:\Scripts\ProfilePicture” to store pictures, script and logs. The folder path can be changed to your liking on line 33, 34 and 39.
  2. Start transcript logs to “C:\Scripts\ProfilePicture\Logs\”.
  3. Get the access token for Graph API.
  4. Get user information (UPN, Username and SID) that have already logged in to the local device.
  5. Download user profile photo for each user in “C:\Scripts\ProfilePicture\Data\”.
  6. Sets registry keys to use the downloaded photo for each user.
  7. Create a task schedule (if it doesn’t exist) so it updates any picture change in Azure AD.
  8. Copy the script to location “C:\Scripts\ProfilePicture”.

You may need to compile the code into an executable, this will disguise the client secret used to retrieve the profile pictures. One way of turning a PowerShell script into an executable is to use this script, but remember to change the schedule task in the code to point to the .exe file instead of the .ps1 before compiling.


PowerShell – Microsoft Graph API

Need to connect to Microsoft Graph with PowerShell? The following PowerShell script does just that (pretty easily)!

So what is Microsoft Graph API?

“Microsoft Graph is a Microsoft developer platform that connects multiple services and devices. Initially released 2015, the Microsoft Graph builds on Office 365 APIs and allows developers to integrate their services with Microsoft products, including Windows, Office 365, and Azure. At its Build 2017 conference, Microsoft announced it would use the Microsoft Graph to bring new functionality and connectivity between Windows and other OS platforms, including Android and iOS.”Wikipedia

The following script have a function called “Get-GraphAPIAccessToken” (line 127 in the code below) which have two optional options available.

  • Credential
    • If you don’t want to get an login prompt, when connecting to the API. Then use:
      -Credential (Create-PSCredential -Username “admin@contoso.onmicrosoft.com” -Password “AdminPasswordHere”)
  • ClientID
    • If you need to use a registered application in Azure AD, specify the application id. Otherwise it will use a well-known value that are registered with Azure AD. An example would be:
      -ClientID 3b7e46ca-4495-410f-9691-f90793f0f666


There are some requirements before you can run the code, which is:

  • You need an valid internet connection (duuuh?!).
  • The script leverages AzureRM and the script will try to install it, but if it fails you can use “Install-Module AzureRM -SkipPublisherCheck -AllowClobber -Force -Confirm:$false;” to install it.

When you have an access token, you can use the following example which gets the current user profile details:

Get the Azure AD users:

Send an e-mail (need an Exchange license on the user):


For more usage examples, Microsoft have create an repository on GitHub.